Will Android Destroy Windows?

Will Android Destroy Windows?

Assumptions become true many time. And usually people laugh when they hear new assumption. But it is often seen that such assumption was considered fun that was a reality. Similarly, this article is also includes some assumptions. If these assumptions true, then will be the end of Windows.

Windows Could be End If….

  • Android devices become able to connect with any big LCD and people can operate Android on big LCD.
  • During operating on big LCD keyboard and mouse could be connected with android.
  • All hardware which are readable on windows (Printer, Scanner, Barcode reader etc.) became also readable on Android.
  • The processor and ram of mobile must be equal to latest PCs.

Then will be completely end of Windows. Because everyone will have his PC (Mobile) in his pocket. In Office they will connect their PC (Mobile) with Office LCD and in home at home’s PC.
And this will be end of large size Computers and laptops.
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