Website Designing in Quetta

Website Development in Quetta

Quetta is capital city of Balochistan, Pakistan. The city of more then one million population and more then 7 Different Languages. All Government and Private Sectors Headquarters are located in Quetta City. The only Urban Area in Balochistan is Quetta. But almost population of Quetta is migrated from rural areas. Therefore IT trend is not developed like Karachi, Islamabad and Lahore.

Pak IT Services has started different IT Services in Quetta, Zhob, Loralai, Killas Saifullah, Pishin, Chaman and other cities, like Website Development, Software Development, Database Management, Digital Marketing, CCTV Camera, Biometric attendance system, Networking, Telephone intercom system and other.

Pak IT Services has successfully completed projects for its Middle east clients also, in Dubai, Saudia Arabia, Oman and other countries.

Contact Us for any query.

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